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Thursday, 15 January 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: today we went out again from Grindavik, this time we started by heading slightly to the west before turning a bit south to search there. Then when made a turn towards the east and to the Krísuvíkurbjarg cliffs, which in spring and summer are always full of nesting seabirds but are bare now, waiting for the action to start in about March time. Then we turned towards the west and towards Grindavik. It was interesting to see the Krísuvíkurbjarg lighthouse standing on top of the cliff; automatic as all lighthouses are in Iceland nowadays (the last lighthouse keeper in the country left his post in about 1995) and also the nearby Hópsnes lighthouse, which is bigger and bright yellow in colour while the other one is bright orange and smaller. There was a bit of birdlife out on the water; quite a few northern gannets as well as several types of seagulls, many of which were congregating around the fishing boats that we saw. But all this being interesting to see, unfortunately we did not see any cetaceans on this tour but hopefully we will tomorrow. All passengers were therefore offered complimentary return tickets so that they can join us for another whale-watching tour free of charge. Those tickets are valid for two years so hopefully as many as possible from today will be able to use them, whether soon or later.

- Baldur Thorvaldsson

Birds seen on today's tour: greater black-back gull, iceland gull, glaucous gull, northern gannet, european shac, greater cormorant, eider duck.