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Sunday, 13 April 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Elding and Hafsúlan: This was a sunny day and there was a lot to see. We sailed out from Reykjavík harbour and it was not far from Grótta lighthouse where we spotted a Humpback Whale. It surfeced close to both boats, and raised it's fluke many times. We observed the animal for some time before we decided to sail further and see what else the bay had to offer on this lovely afternoon. Elding soon spotted some Harbour Porpoises that swam past us in a hurry, but at the same time Hafsúlan had found some White beaked dolphins, some of which were leaping and seemed to be feeding. That was the first of two dolphin-pods we saw this afternoon. There were also lots of northern gannets diving for food all around us. On our way back Elding saw a Minke whale surface once right by the boat and Hafsúlan saw the Humpack whale again by Grótta, and it had gotten some company since this time around the Humpback whales were two. Brilliant afternoon out!

-Soffía and Arnór Tumi

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Sailed out on a beautiful morning, sun was shining, air was crisp and wintry and the sea condition did have bit of a roll to them but all in all a perfect morning. It wasn´t long maybe 30 minutes from leaving the harbour that we saw a Humpback Whale Blow. A wonderful individual that seemed to be enjoying the great weather like we were. Showed his/her fluke many times for the ultimate photograph opportunity. After a while we sailed further out and spotted a big flock of Gannets plunging into the water like a torpedo, here we found 2-3 Minke Whales (still being quite elusive and surfacing in the distance but also another Humpback Whale feeding. Even showed us it´s long white pectoral as it rolled on it´s side. Sadly we had to head for home but on the way we saw a small pod of 3-4 Harbour Porpoises and a pod of 4-6 White-beaked Dolphins that again surfaced close. You could see them swimming just under the water surface, easy to follow with your camera to get a great shot when they finally surfaced. Absolutely incredible morning.


Birds seen on today's tours include: Eider ducks, fulmars, northern gannets, arctic skuas, kittiwakes, cormorants, black backed gulls, glaucous gulls, black guillemots, shag