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Monday, 21 April 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The success of the morning gave us a great idea of where we should go to find more whales. But we were surprised by seeing a Humpback Whale after only 30 minutes, in the morning the humpbacks we saw were just resting but this whale was much more active. It was constantly changing direction and even swimming underneath us sometimes, it kept us on our toes when we were searching it! But it would reward us constantly with rising of its fluke whenever it went down for a dive. After some time we headed further out and spotted a few more Puffins, suddenly our first puffin turned into our first three! But we didn´t see any more whales and after some more searching eventually headed back to Reykjavík.

- Jack Ball

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Sailing out of Reykjavík in good weather we were in good spirits after a few days of good whales. And this morning would be no different as we had the pleasure of watching a pair of Humpback Whales and a Minke Whale. But before any whales were spotted we had a very exciting event! Our first Puffin of the year! We´d expected one or two to appear soon, and today was the day! We sailed for around an hour before we saw a blow, getting closer we found a single Humpback Whale travelling slowly. As we stayed with this whale it found a second Humpback and they started resting at the surface together, they were so calm they were coming within metres of the boat and sitting at the surface. We could see their entire body under the water! While we were watching these Humpbacks a Minke decided to travel past us, again coming very close to us. It was a great surprise from this second whale species!

- Jack Ball

Birds seen on todays tour include: Atlantic Puffin, Northern Fulmar, Northern Gannet, Guillemot, Eider Duck, Brent Goose, Black-Backed Gull.