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Monday, 28 April 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: A continuation of the mornings weather meant that once again we had the perfect conditions for whale watching. And the success from the morning meant we were even more confident. We sailed out into the area where we had seen whales in the morning but couldn´t find anything in that same place so we ventured further out into the bay. After sailing for a little longer we managed to find ourselves our first Minke Whale, and just like in the morning more would soon appear. This afternoon we were presented with 4 minke whales which were happy to come close to us and gave us some excellent chances to watch them. We also came across several pods of Harbour Porpoise, some of the porpoise were calm as they travelled slowly around us but many simply vanished. A day of fantastic weather and some suberb Minke Whales.

- Jack Ball

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather over the previous days had been excellent, and today it improved even more! Blue skies and perfect sea conditions made the start to the morning excellent. But that was only the beginning, after just around 45 minutes sailing we spotted some diving gannets in the distance. As we got closer we noticed a black back coming out of the water, it turned out this was a Minke Whale! Over the whole morning we were able to get a good look at 6 Minkes and we could see in the surrounding area there many more minkes. And they were very entertaining too, with a few of the minkes actually surfacing metres away from the boat several times. And throughout the tour we were surrounded by hundreds of northern gannets diving into the water. So even when we couldn´t see any whales we had plenty to watch. This morning was a minketastic one!

- Jack Ball

Birds seen on todays tour include: Northern Gannet, Northern Fulmar, Kittiwake, Eider Duck, Black-Backed Gull, Cormorant, Atlantic Puffin, Guillemot, Razorbill.