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Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsula and Elding: The tour started from Reykjavik harbor. the reason for this was because the sea conditions had calmed from the morning. because of the increased number of passengers it was necessary to have both boats in operation. The passengers aboard Hafsulan even with the bad cold weather were outside along with the guide searching for the cetaceons. On Elding the passengers were getting seasick so the wanted to stay inside even though they were advised that the fresh air would help with the sickness. Sadly there was not any sightings of cetaceons or any other because of this we handed out complimentary tickets.

-Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir

Tour at 09:00

Report form Hafsula: The tour started with long swells from the west, because of the storm from the day and previous night before. Due to this storm the sea conditions heading out from the destination were rougher than that of the conditions coming home. in this tour we had decided from the start to begin at Hafnafjördur because this had calmer seas and would start of the tour much more smoothly than if we had gone from Reykjavik harbor. it had begun to snow at the start of the tour and this stayed with the tour until the end. it was a cold wet and windy tour and many passengers used the overalls provided. During the duration of the tour we seen a lot of sea birds these species are listed below: Unfortunately: there were no cetaceons seen on todays tour and because of the lack of sightings we offered our passengers complimentary tickets.

-Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir

Birds seen on the tour northern gannets, eider ducks, common guillemots, glaucous gulls, kittiwakes, black-backed gulls, European shags, whooper swans.