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Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan and Elding: we were two boats that went out due to large number of passengers. We began searching as soon as we were out of the harbour as we never know where we might encounter whales or dolphins. The visibility was poor for the first part of the tour but the sea was calm, it was overcast, and there were few white tops; in other words good conditions to spot. Another whale-watching boat alerted the Elding boats of some dolphins some time into the tour but they were some distance away and had vanished into the fog by the time we got there, although around the same time we saw 2-3 harbour porpoises travelling fast through the water for a brief while. The Elding boat encountered 4-5 harbour porpoises also amongst a flock of fulmars, which seemed to be feeding. Then on went the search and we came to find nothing until Elding, our other boat, found some more dolphins. By that time Hafsúlan was quite far away but we sped up and managed to get there in time to see those delightful 4-5 white-beaked dolphins quite well but then it was time for us to head back to harbour, content before tomorrow's stormy day.

- Baldur Thorvaldsson

Birds seen on today's tour: northern gannet, northern fulmar, black-backed gull, european shag, common guillemot, razorbill, great cormorant, eider ducks and glaucous gulls.