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Friday, 27 March 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: again we went off from Keflavik but this time we intended to end in Hafnarfjörður, although later we changed it to Reykjavik. This was also one of the first tours on which Markus, one of our new guides, was guiding; he possesses in particular a wealth of knowledge about birds so it is very good to have him. We started by checking out the same area as in the morning but then headed east towards the metropolitan area and alongside Vatnsleysuströnd coastline. The sea was somewhat choppy but not that bad. Suddenly 2-3 harbour porpoises popped up but sadly they were gone almost as soon as they had appeared. Then we continued on towards Reykjavik. Sadly this turned out to be just one of those days so again we gave complimentary tickets but there is always tomorrow. 

- Baldur Thorvaldsson

Tour at 9:00

Report from Hafsúlan: today it was the choice between departing from Hafnarfjörður or Keflavik and we went with Keflavik. An hour's ride or so brought us to what is commonly called 'the Icelandic Liverpool' (for various reasons, including of course music) and off we went. We started by heading up along Garðskagi out to where a number of small fishing boats were fishing for cod. Cod feeds e.g. on capelin and whales and dolphins love capelin so we were hoping there might be some there but we saw none and the visibility became very bad at times. Then we turned around and went south again, checking out the tiny Stakksfjörður fjord next to Keflavik in case something might be hiding there, but nothing turned up there either. Sadly it was then time to go back into Keflavik. As we had not seen anything on this tour, we offered all passengers complimentary return tickets so that they can come back with us free of charge, hopefully then they will see what we would have loved to show today.

- Baldur Thorvaldsson

Birds seen on today's tour: northern gannet, iceland gull, glaucaus gull, greater black-backed gull, black-legged kittiwake, razorbill, eider duck.