
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Tour at 09:00 

Report from hafsúlan and Elding: It was a little warmer in the afternoon than in the morning and the sea conations were even getting better. With nearly flat sea we knew we had better chances of spotting animals coming up to the surface even though it would be in a long distance. Elding was the first boat going out on the bay and the first boat to spot an animal, minke whale! Hafsúlan of course went to the same area to see the whale. There were at least two minkes in the area. one of them was very easy for us to follow because it never spent so long time under water between surfacing. After following the minke we spotted a group of 3-4 white beaked dolphins, they were traveling very fast and although we tried to follow them we lost sights of them after only few minutes. We decided to keep on going but and soon saw another minke whale that was behavior in a similar way as the first minke whale of the tour so we could also enjoy its company for a good time. Every now and then we were able to see harbor porpoises coming very quickly to the surface making little splashes. 

- Sigurlaug and Megan 

Tour at 09:00 

Report from hafsúlan: It was really cold out on the bay this morning with the wind still blowing from the north. We sailed towards the areas where we had seen the orcas yesterday. We looked for a while there but didn't wee anything except for 2-3 harbor porpoises that we only got a glimpse of. we went a big circle out there and when we were already on our way back we saw a blow only 200 meters in front of us. We waited for few minutes until it finally came up again ant this time only 100 meters distance! we got a really good look at it as it surfaced regularly and seemed to be traveling slowly in the same direction. We spent all the time we had left with this very nice minke whale.

- Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir

 Birds seen on todays tour include: Black-backed gulls, iceland gulls, glaucous gulls, european shags, eider ducks, northern fulmars, northern gannets, and kittiwakes.