
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The wind and the swells had picked up a bit since the morning tour and on our way out in the bay the travel was quite rough with some green faces on the boat. A small pod of harbour porpoises was seen after twenty minutes of sailing but the porpoises were difficult to spot in the swell so we had to continue our search. We went to the same area as the minke whales were seen on the morning tour. At first we didn't´t see anything but after a while searching we had two minke whales surfacing around us. At one point one minke surfaced only 50 meters away from the boat! After we spent some time with the minkes we had to sail back to Reykjavik, luckily we could sail with the swell so the journey back was much more pleasant. On our way back we came across 2 pods of harbour porpoises, of one gave us very good views as they swam under the boat. A very rough tour in the beginning but the end turned out to save the day. 

- Marcus Bergström

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan:We headed out in a bit of swell and some light rain in the air. We sailed west out in Faxaflói bay and the sight was rather poor throughout the tour. After an hour of sailing we got a call from another whale watching vessel that they had found a pod of white-beaked dolphins. When we arrived the dolphins had disappeared, but we soon found them again in the same area. The swell and rain made it difficult to follow the dolphins and it seemed they were feeding actively. We got a few good looks before they decided to be very elusive. We started heading back to Reykjavik but constantly searching for any cetaceans. Soon we came across two minke whales! The whales surfaced a couple of times around the boat and gave us some really nice views. A good ending on the tour because we were running out of time and had to make our way back to the harbour. 

- Marcus Bergström

Birds seen on today´s tour includes: northern fulmars, iceland gulls, glaucous gulls, black-backed gulls, black headed gulls, long-tailed ducks, northern gannets, kittiwakes, eider ducks, razorbill, cormorants and shags.