
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Saturday, 15 March 2014

Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan: We left the harbour in Hafnarfjörður in windy conditions. The wind had picked up since this morning and the seas turned out to be much rougher that we had expected. Of course, safety comes first and thus we decided to turn the boat around after about 20 minutes of sailing. Complimentary tickets or a refund were offered to our passengers.

-Arnór Tumi

Tour at 0900

Report from Hafsúlan: We left from Reykjavík this morning and took a south westerly heading. After about an hour, we spotted the first blows far away into the fog that surrounded us. As we got closer, they turned out to belong to two feeding humpback whales. We got a good look at them and then we spotted two more. All in all there must have been at least four humpback whales, might even have been more. It's a bit hard to tell because they were moving around a lot in a big area. We believe to have spotted a minke whale as well towards the end of the tour but it only surfaced twice and seemed to be in a hurry. All in all a great tour in dry weather despite a wet forecast. Awesome!

-Arnór Tumi

Birds seen on today's tours include: Fulmars, Northern gannets, Eider ducks, Iceland gulls, Greater black-backed gulls and Kittiwakes.