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Wednesday, 08 april 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We went again out from Keflavík to sail with the swells but this time we ended our tour in Reykjavik. We had only been sailing for few minutes and were still really close to land when we saw a minke whale! The whale came up between us and cliffs that are right next to the harbor. The whale might have been feeding there, it kept changing directions and stayed for a long time in the same area. It was just incredible to see the whale surface so close to land. we watched this whale for a good time before we kept going out on the bay. we were always on the lookout for other cetaceans but the only animals we spotted after we left the minke whale in Keflavík were sea birds, mainly northern fulmars that often flew very close to our boat. 

-Sigurlaug and Hanna

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We went out from Keflavík this morning because we could get more comfortable sailing when we sailed with the swells and the wind from Keflavík to Hafnafjörður. There seemed to be a lot of life close to Keflavík, we saw many species of birds flying around, mainly sea gulls, northern fulmars and northern gannets. Very soon after we left Keflavík we saw a pod of 4-5 harbor porpoises, they came close to the boat but sadly we were not able to follow them for long. On our way to Hafnafjörður we got a call from land that some splashes had been seen close to Reykjanes so we traveled towards that but unfortunately were never able to find the animals that might have caused them. Because we didn't find any cetaceans except for the few harbor porpoises in the beginning of the tour we offered all of our passengers complimentary tickets so they can come with us on another tour later.


Birds seen on today´s tour includes: northern fulmars, iceland gulls, greater black-backed gulls, lesser black-backed gulls, black headed gull, glaucous gull, long-tailed ducks, northern gannets, kittiwakes, eider ducks common guillemot, black guillemot and razorbill.