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Thursday, 9 April 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We went out from Reykavík on our afternoon tour and found a minke whale after approximately 30 min sailing. It stayed with as for about half an hour and surfaced a couple of times really close to our boat and in the sun's glare which was beautiful to watch. A few minutes after we headed further out into the bay, we spotted a minke whale again which might have been the same animal. It was harder to spot this time, so we left it after a while and started to sail back to Reykjavík harbour. While it had been cloudy and sunny in the beginnig of the tour, it snowed a lot on our way back.

- Hanna & Megan

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was very nice this morning, 4-5 m/s winds from the east but the long rolling swells where maybe the biggest problem for some on board. For most it was fun and great practise to get the sea legs working. We searched a large area and saw many seabirds including a king eider duck which is very rare to see on our tours and even a great skua, which only started to migrate back a few weeks ago. unfortunately no cetaceans were seen, not even a harbour porpoise which are seen on most tours but this morning seemed to produce very little food for these animals. We hope our passengers come back within the next two years with their complimentary tickets. We hope the afternoons tours will be more successful.

Seabird species seen on todays tours include: northern fulmars, eider ducks, northern gannets, european shags, a great skua, a king eider, black-backed gulls, icelandic gulls, cormorants and kittiwkakes.