
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We went out from Reykjavik on our afternoon tour and the weather was still very nice even though the wind had picked up a bit and was more from the north now then in the morning. We sailed south to avoid the worst swell and the wind but had to turn north after a while. When we did the wind was in our face and you could feel the cold northern wind, luckily we had our overalls to keep us warm. We shortly spotted two harbour porpoises traveling away from us but surfaced two times close to the boat. Unfortunately it all went very fast so most of our passengers missed them. This was sadly the only cetaceans that we saw on this tour and some tours are like that, we of course offered all passengers complimentary tickets valid for a new whale watching tour the next two years.  

- Marcus

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was very nice this morning, 4-5 m/s winds from the southeast. Some rolling big swells was still left after some windy days before but didn't´t cause much problem. The sailing started very nice with the beautiful weather and a pod of white-beaked dolphins in the beginning of the tour. The dolphins were feeding in a fairly large area but we got a nice look at these stunning animals. We even saw a mother and a calf! After we had left the dolphins we continued out in the bay, but no more cetaceans were seen. The first puffin of the year was seen on this tour and we can´t wait for more of these charming birds to return from their wintering grounds. On our way back we spotted both harbour porpoise and a minke whale but both time the animals surfaced once and was only seen by one or two people. Back in the harbour the weather was still very nice and we were glad that the dolphins put on such a nice show for us.

- Marcus

Seabird species seen on todays tours include: northern fulmars, eider ducks, northern gannets, european shags, puffin, black-backed gulls, icelandic gulls, cormorants and kittiwakes.