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Monday, 17 March 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan and Elding: We sailed from Reykjavík with the hope that the recent bad weather had passed and we could get back to the whales! Though there was some swell in the water it certainly didn´t hinder the tour as it only took us around an hour to find a Humpback Whale! The whale was surrounded by many Kittiwakes and Fulmars that were feeding so we got to watch both a whale and lots of birds feeding at the same time. The whale was very calm and came very close to both boats several times while lifting its fluke for the perfect photo many times. After spending some time with the whale we eventually headed back to Reykjavík with all passengers happy with our whale for today.

- Jack and Megan

Unfortunately due to unfavourable sea conditions we have decided to cancel the 9am morning whale watching today. Decision regarding the 1pm tour will be made later on in the day. Please call +354 519 5000, send us an email at or stop by our office for more information or if you have any problems.

Birds seen on todays tour include: Kittiwake, Northern Fulmar, Black-Backed Gull, Glaucous Gull, Eider Duck, Red-Breasted Merganser, Long-tailed Ducks.