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Sunday, 12 April 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It was getting windier and the swells were getting taller than in the morning tour. The sailing was comfortable when we went out on the bay because then we were traveling with the swells but on the way back to land it was quite rough. We sailed towards the areas where we had found the minke whales in the morning tour. there seemed to less birds around and even though we never stopped looking for the minke whales we were never able to find them. 4 times over the tour we saw harbor porpoises, very small species of cetacean, 3 times we saw them close to the boat but we were never able to follow them for long time. Because these were our only sightings on the tour we decided to offer all of our passengers complimentary tickets so they can come in a another whale watching tour with us. 


Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan and Elding: It was a stunning but bitterly cold morning out on the bay with a fresh layer of snow on the mountains the landscape was stunning, we used both of our whale watching boats going out with over 200 passengers and there was enough minke whales for all. It wasn't very long, maybe 20 - 30 minutes after leaving the harbour that we got to see our first of 2-3 minke whales of the tour. They stayed their distance this morning but we all got to see them many times and hopefully got some nice pictures with the snow covered mountains in the background. We saw many seabird species too which are all listed below. Each of our boats also where lucky enough to also spot a pod of harbour porpoises (2-3 individuals) traveling fast past. A fantastic but cold morning out on Faxafloi Bay.

- Megan and Sigurlaug

Birds seen on today's tours included: eider ducks, long-tailed ducks, fulmars; gannets; kittiwakes, common guillemots, european shags; iceland gulls; glaucous gulls.