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Monday, 24 March 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed from Hafnafjörður this time as we finished there on the morning tour, it didn´t take long for us to spot the same Harbour Porpoises that we saw at the end of the last tour. They were still feeding and watching the birds swoop down to take their food was quite entertaining. We eventually sailed onward and managed to come across two more pods of porpoises which were all feeding. This was still entertaining but it was unusual to have a lot of feeding behaviour without any other species also feeding. Like the morning the only species we saw was the harbour porpoises and so at the end of the tour we handed out complimentary tickets.

- Jack Ball.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Sailing from Reykjavík on the back of several days of good tours we were spurned on to finding something again. We sailed towards Hafnafjörður as further out to sea the weather was not suitable. There were a number of Fulmars and Kittiwakes circling us but they didn´t seem to be feeding and so they too were looking for fish. We eventually did find some Harbour Porpoise and it looked like they were feeding as there were some birds circling overhead looking for the fish that the porpoise was hunting. As the porpoise was the only cetacean we spotted at the end of the tour we gave out complimentary tickets in the hopes everyone could come and try again.

- Jack Ball

Birds seen on todays tour include: Kittiwake, Northern Fulmar, Northern Gannet, Black-Backed Gull, Long-Tailed Duck, Eider Duck, Black-Headed Gull, Glaucous Gull.