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Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Tour at 17:00

Report from Elding: We departed from Reykjavík harbour, the sea conditions were a lot better than this morning. We still had some leftover swell from the storm yesterday so the boat rocked a bit. The tour started slowly like earlier tours but by the end of the tour we spotted two minke whales. One got really close to the boat, maybe 20 meters and hopefully everybody got a good look at the animal. The other one was traveling slowly and most likely resting so we didn't get a good look at him. A good tour overall as we got to see one minke whale really close. 

-Katrín Björnsdóttir

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsúlan: From Keflavik we departed in better conditions. The wind had died down and the sea conditions were much improved. Our other boat Elding had spotted a minke whale so we steamed in their direction. Once we reached the area we were treated to amazing display of rolls and lunges from the minke. He was not camera shy at all and approached the boat very closely. After maybe 20 minutes we turned back to steam in to Reykjavik. We were in a great mood when we arrived and I think all the passengers were very happy. 

-Tommy Torrades

Tour at 13:00

Report from Elding: We departed from Keflavík harbour due to the sea conditions, they were better in Keflavík than in Reykjavík. The tour started out slowly but by the end we had spotted at least one minke whale. This individual was displaying really interesting surface feeding behaviours and got quite close to our boat. The minke was rolling a lot feeding at the surface. We got quite close to him as he was not shy at all. Pretty good tour as we got to see this amazing behaviour of the animal. After 30 minutes or so we headed back to Reykjavík as the sea conditions were getting better.

-Katrín Björnsdóttir 

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: With a high swell, left overs from yesterday's storm, we decided to transfer our passengers to the harbour of Keflavik where our boat was waiting and sea conditions much more favourable. We hugged the coastline towards the headland and the town of Garður, we got word of a pod of white-beaked dolphins that were in the area about 30 minutes earlier, however they must have traveled far in this time because they were no where to be found. We searched a large area and saw many seabirds, especially as we got closer to the bird breeding cliffs of Hornsbjarg near Keflavik. Puffins, guillemots, arctic terns, kittiwakes, fulmars and gannets made their appearance periodically throughout the tour but unfortunately no cetaceans. We offered our passengers complimentary tickets and hope there luck is better next time then join us. 

-Megan Whittaker

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We left from Hafnafjörður because of the strong winds the day previously. Today conditions were much better with only a light swell and moderate winds. We hugged the coast so that we could escape the worst of the wind. Puffins were to be seen quite easily all around the boat which was a pleasant sight so far from the islands of the coast of Reykjavik. Unfortunately cetaceans were not as forthcoming. We didn´t give up hope and persisted in our search, with time running out we made our way back to Hafnafjörður. Complimentary tickets were offered to the passengers and hopefully they can come out again soon. 

-Tommy Torrades

Bird species seen on today's tour include: northern gannets, northern fulmars, lesser black-backed gulls, manx shearwaters, razorbills, kittiwakes, arctic terns, common guillemots, puffins, arctic skuas, great skuas, eider ducks, graylag geese.