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Friday, 28 March 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: This afternoon, due to the swell, we decided to head to where we were yesterday hoping the sea conditions would be better there. On the way there we spotted a Minke Whale but always quite far away and surfacing again always randomly as it constantly changed direction. We left it in peace and sailed some more. our passengers then found a small pod of White-beaked Dolphins (3-5 i would say in total). We enjoyed their company for a while until we got word from an other whale watching boat about splashes in the distance. Once in the area we found ourselves surrounded by White-beaked Dolphins (20-30 maybe more) and 4 Humpback Whales, three travelling together and one solitary one which we later identified as Johnny Gash, a humpback with a massive gash taken out of it near the blowhole last seen on the 9th March and before that in Skjálfandi Bay in the North in 2007. The three that were travelling together split and one decided to separate and do a big breach from us which was incredible. It is always nice to see wonderful natural behaviours from wild animals. Just incredible day.


Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Sailed out in beautiful weather but relatively high swells this morning. The first half of the tour was not so bad as we headed with the wind and everyone enjoyed the warm sun on their faces. We first saw a Minke Whale when came up a couple of times but travelling fast and very hard to track, a little later another  one was seen but again quite difficult to follow. It wasn´t until 1 1/2 about of sailing that a Minke Whale surfaced just 10-20 from us, those that were determined and whom stayed outside got a great look but other were down stairs getting a nice warm drink. It did come up again which was nice. On the way back to the harbour a large pod of White-beaked Dolphins were spotted leaping and surfacing fast. Always incredible to see. Great wildlife in wonderful weather.

-Megan Whittaker

Birds seen on todays tour include: Eider Ducks, Shags, Kittiwakes, Glaucous Gulls, Black-backed Gulls, Fulmars, Gannets, Long-tailed Ducks.