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Monday, 20 JULY 2015

Tour at 20:30

Due to rough conditions at sea, we have decided to cancel our Midnight Whale Watching tour this evening. Please contact our ticket office for further details +354 519 5000 or

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We went out from Reykjavík with the strong winds but a really beautiful view out from Faxaflói bay. We had to look really hard for our first cetacean and only spotted a blow at first. When we came closer we got a really quick look at a minke whale but that was all, this individual didn't show himself again. Unfortunately the passengers did not get to have a look at this amazing animal so we decided to give everybody a complementary ticket, valid for two year. The wind did not slow down and by the end of the trip it was way to windy to be outside looking for cetaceans. 

-Katrín Björnsdóttir 

Tour at 14:30

Report from Eldey: The strong winds continued on this afternoon tour. We headed out late because we'd arrived late into the harbour from our last tour. We'd gotten a bit to determined to spot friendly minkes and forgot the time. We headed out to where we saw big black spots of krill in the ocean and there we encountered a shy minke whale that came close to us once or twice and then headed off. Despite the rough seas Eldey was sailing smoothly and everyone enjoyed the ride in our new overalls.

- Svala Jónsdóttir

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: On this afternoon tour we were hoping for less wind speed on our tour, but unfortunately the small decrease was barely noticeable. We decided to head west, further out into the bay, after we failed in spotting a whale that seemed to be playing "hide and seek" with us. This animal was changing direction constantly, which made it very hard to encounter it in our sea conditions. Even though we managed to spot two different minke whales, shortly after another, one of which was less then five meters long. While waiting for these animals we had a harbour porpoise swim by our boat. We tried for a long time in getting a good look at these animals, but unfortunately, the cetaceans we encountered on this tour didn't seem to be very shy and elusive. Because of that we offered our passengers complimentary tickets, valid for two years, to get the change to see these amazing creatures closer another time.

- Michaela Buchbauer

Tour at 10:00

Report from Eldey: Today was Eldey's first official tour by itself. She sailed through the rough sea conditions like a warm knife through butter and hardly anyone got seasick. Despite the excitement from the crew the minke whales we spotted were very sneaky and surfaced quickly and sporadically before going for a long dives. We also encountered a pod of 3 white beaked dolphins that had no time to stop. Because we really want our passengers to get a better look at these animals we offered those who did not spot them complimentary tickets for a free return.

- Svala Jónsdóttir

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: On this morning the weather was rather harsh when we left the harbour. Especially in the beginning of the tour several people were not feeling so good wich is something that can always happen out on sea. Even with the winds and the strong swell we managed to spot several minke whales, two of which we got to see even closer to the boat and more often. Most of the animals seemed a bit elusive on this day, making it very hard to encounter them more often. At some point we even had the sun come out behind the clouds, which made the trip more enjoyable, while we were struggling with the strong winds. In the end most of our passengers managed to get several good views of the animals, as well as some good pictures.

- Michaela Buchbauer

Birds seen on todays tour include: kittiwakes, black-backed gulls, arctic terns, arctic skuas, northern gannets, northern fulmars, puffins, guillemots.