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Friday, 07 August 2015

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: This evening we still had very good sea conditions as we were traveling out into the Faxaflói bay. Again we went straight towards the area where the last humpback whale was sighted. On our way passengers as well as crew saw harbour porpoises as well as white- beaked dolphins, but we had no time to stop as we were planning to get to our intended location. We kept our travel plan until we spotted several strong blows on our left side. Experience told us that these animals were all most likely humpback whales. We managed to get one animal closer up, and as we left it we saw it breaching!!! When we arrived the area of where we saw another humpback whale, this animal started breaching just as we arrived not far from it. We saw it breach a few more times, until we had to turn around and head back. On the way we spotted another humpback whale and decided, getting a better look at this animal was worth being late. And indeed, this turned out to be the best decision as the cetacean started beaching over and over again. We stayed as long as possible and then turned around to go home. Even though the humpback whales breaching very close to our boat was the highlight of our tour, we also managed to spot a pod of white- beaked dolphins with 4 individuals, giving this trip the special extra that made it even more unforgettable.

- Michaela Buchbauer

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We went out again from Reykjavik harbour in beautiful weather. The conditions couldn't have been better with the sun shining on every passengers on the upper deck. We were really excited to get out into the bay today because we had an amazing morning tour. On our way out we encountered a pod of white-beaked dolphins. They were leaping and showing their tails which was really great to see. We were eager to get further out because we knew there were two humpback whales in the area. After maybe 15 more minutes we saw the humpback whale breach in the distance and everybody got really excited. When we came closer we saw it was Þröstur that had been breaching three times. Þröstur was so nice to us, tail slapping and he even breached again for everyone to see pretty close up. We also encountered another pod of dolphins but they weren't in the mood of showing themselves and they were traveling pretty fast. On our way back we had the perfect weather with the wind in our backs. Absolutely an incredible tour that will be hard to forget. 

- Katrín Björnsdóttir

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: On this afternoon tour we went straight towards the area where we managed to spot a humpback whale on the morning tour. We traveled for a while until we had our first encounter with a pod of white- beaked dolphins, which unfortunately behaved very elusive, so we continued our trip going west. A short while after we saw what looked like a dolphin in the distance, followed by the blow of a whale. These animals turned out to be a pod of white- beaked dolphins with a humpback whale. After some time watching these mammals we realized that we were running out of time. We turned our boat around and went straight for the harbour in Reykjavik. Estimating 2-3 pods of white- beaked dolphins with 12-15 individuals in total during the tour.

- Michaela Buchbauer

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We joined the other whale watching boats that went out at nine o'clock. They had found two humpback whales, we took a short look at the first one going for a longer dive while showing us the fluke. The second one was a little bit further out and already on our way we could see it breaching in the distance. Good choice by us going for this individual. We witness a great show by this humpie, breaching several times close to us, a whale watcher´s dream! This individual have an almost completely black underside of the fluke and it is the second day we are seeing this whale. It was hard leaving, because every time we thought it was done breaching it did it again! But at one point time was running out and we had to head back. On our way we found a minke whale, surfacing close to us five times. During the tour we also had two pods of 7-8 white-beaked dolphins and in the beginning of the tour a short encounter with 2-3 harbour porpoises. A four species tour with breaching whale, can´t be any better than this, join us tomorrow for hopefully another awesome day out in Faxaflói!

- Marcus Bergström  

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey & Elding: We went out from Reykjavík this morning, like usually in the last days. The wind had calmed down since yesterday, so all the white caps were gone and only some swell was left. It took a while to find cetaceans on this tour but then we found a great humpback whale breaching several times in front of us and as we got closer it once breached right next to us so that we could see its whole body. After spending some time with this animals we moved on and quickly came across a minke whale that surfaced a few times around us. Shortly after this, we happened to also see a few harbour porpoises passing by and disappearing quickly. We moved on to look for some dolphins but instead got to see another humpback whale. This individual was traveling slowly and showed us some nice fluke ups. Just as we wanted to head back to the harbour we spotted another minke whale and as we got closer to the harbour also got to see a few more harbour porpoises. 

- Hanna Michel & Tommy Torrades

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannets, northern fulmars, kittiwakes, manx shearwaters, eider ducks, puffins, common guillemots, black guillemots, arctic terns, arctic skuas.