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Saturday, 12 September 2015

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: What a way to finish an amazing summer here in Iceland! We had about 20 plus white beaked dolphins in several pods coming right up to the boat. They were breaching and leaping, showing off as usual! then we had about 7 minke whales surfacing really close to the boat throughout the journey. The sea was amazingly still with a fantastic sunset to top it all off. Many thanks to all the staff in Elding for making my summer an unforgetable one. See you guys next year!

-Tommy Torrades

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Calm sea and nice weather made us start our trip in a good mood. We got excellent visibility, so it was not long before we spotted splashes in the distance. It was leaping white-beaked dolphins ! There was about 5 individuals traveling together as a pod. Those individuals showed curiosity and interest for the boat, as they came close several times, checking on us. We could have great looks at them, so eventually we left them to try meet other species, only to find another pod of dolphins. Once again, we got to see them very close, so after a while we left them to try our luck further offshore. Sadly, no other species were found in this trip. So when time was due, we headed back toward Reykjavik, facing a chilly wind blowing from South-East.

- Guillaume Malpaccini

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Sadly this is my last day working with Elding so it was with a heavy heart that we made our way on to the bay. I wanted a great tour and luckily my hopes were answered. We had a pod of 5 white beaked dolphins join the boat after only 20 minutes out. They started to leap and breach right beside us acting the show off as always. We left them after a while but throughout the tour we came upon 3 more pods of around 7 white beaked dolphins. About an hour and a half in to the trip we had our first of two minke whales. It was a little elusive but everyone had a great look of the 2nd individual and fantastic whiff of its smelly breathe. Sadly we ran out of time a gently steamed home. But a great tour to start the last day. 

-Tommy Torrades

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannets, northern fulmars, lesser black-backed gulls, arctic tern, common guillemots,  razorbills, kittiwakes.