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Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Just like the morning tour we sailed out from Keflavík to get shelter from the worst swells in the south western winds. All though the conditions had improved a little bit, the swells were still rolling high when we got further out. We searched the southern part of Faxaflói for signs of cetaceans but we couldn't find anything. Because of the improved conditions we decided to end the tour in Reykjavík so we started traveling in that direction. Half way there some passengers spotted a pod of jumping white-beaked dolphins! We had 4 dolphins coming close to the boat and even swimming underneath it, then they started jumping again so close to the boat so we could hear the sounds when their body hit the surface. A very fun encounter. After the dolphins disappeared we headed towards Reykjavík again. No more cetaceans were seen on this tour, but we ended with a rare bird sighting. A Leach's storm petrel flew by, the first for this year! We did the best of the situation and could sum up a tour with jumping dolphins and typical winter weather here in Iceland.

- Marcus Bergström 

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Once again because of sea conditions we set sail from Keflavik this morning. The shelter brought by the Reykjanes peninsula did not spare us from wind, swells and cold but still the travel was bearable thanks to the warm overalls provided on board. Quickly at the beginning we spotted a pod of 5-8 harbour porpoises. They didn't stay for long but they came really close to the boat, and it was quite a feat to sight them with these sea conditions ! After we lost them we kept on looking for other species but unfortunately the only part of the bay the weather allowed us to explore seemed empty. Because we had very poor sighting, we offered complimentary tickets to the passengers. We wish you better luck next time guys ! As it was my last trip guiding for Elding Whale Watching, I wish all of you a nice stay in Iceland and successful tours on our boats !

- Guillaume Calcagni

Birds seen on todays tour include: gannets, fulmars, kittiwakes, greater black-backed gulls, razorbill, Leach's storm petrel and eider duck.