
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Saturday, 03 October 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The weather conditions during this tour were similar to this morning, just the wind picked up during the tour. It took a little while to encounter cetaceans, but after about 1 hour and 15 min we spotted a group of 8-9 white-beaked dolphins. They changed their direction frequently making it a little challenging to follow them and take pictures. However, we still managed to spend enough time with them for everyone to get a close look at these beautiful dolphins. As we slowly started heading back to the Old Harbour of Reykjavík, we were hoping to also see a minke whale, but instead another group of 3-4 white-beaked dolphins showed up. We spent a couple of minutes with them before continuing our way back home. 

- Hanna "The Restocker" Michel

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: This morning the first snow covered the street in Reykjavik and also the top deck on our boat Eldey. Our warm overalls came to good use in the chilly morning air. Out in the bay we had sunshine and light rain alternately. The sea condition was really good with only some long rolling swells from previous days. Sightings of cetaceans were in the beginning few and only some seabirds was seen flying by. The snow covered peaks of the surrounding made a beautiful scenery. We got a call from another whale watching boat that they had found a pod of dolphins. When we arrived, 8-10 white-beaked dolphins was scattered in the area. 2-3 of them came up to us putting on a great show with really close views. We also saw some jumping behavior close to the boat. Lovely dolphins! The rest of the tour went on and we searched the northern part on our way home but came up blank. A chilly first winter day with dolphins out in the bay. 

- Marcus Bergström

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannets, northern fulmars, eider ducks, black guillemots, kittiwakes, glaucous gulls, greater black-backed gulls and purple sandpipers.