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Monday, 05 October 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The swell had calmed down a little bit since this morning making the ride a bit rocky but still very comfortable. After about an hour of sailing we were informed about a group of white-beaked dolphins that another whale watching boat had found and also got a very good look at them as we were heading in to the same area. It was a group of 3 individuals that seemed to be feeding first but then just traveled slowly while staying close together. We spent a while with these dolphins dolphins before moving on. Then it took only about 10 min until a big splash disappeared not too far away from the boat. As we slowed down to check it out, we found a minke whale, and soon noticed that there were at least three individuals of this small whale species around us. Two of them were coming pretty close, only about 50 m away from our boat. It was fantastic to see them feeding around us and they didn't seem to mind our presence at all. A great (and just a bit swelly) tour with just as many minkes as dolphins.  

- Hanna Michel

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: The weather was looking much better today, after yesterdays storm. Further out in the bay it were some rolling swells left and it resulted in some green faces among some passengers. A bit of sunshine and some clouds provided pretty nice conditions overall. Not far out we encountered 2 white-beaked dolphins, that were a bit elusive in the beginning but soon swam underneath the boat so we could see the beautiful black and white pattern. Further out in the bay we had a promising area with many seabirds present and some fishing vessels. We soon found a second pod of dolphins, 5-6 individuals were busy feeding. We could stay a while with them and got some great views! On the way back we were lucky to have a minke whale surfacing right next to us and we could see it passing by coming up to breath 4 times before we lost it behind us. Passengers still outside might have been quick to see it, good to know that they are still in the bay!  

- Marcus Bergström

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, great northern diver, greater black-backed gulls, glaucous gulls, Iceland gulls, grey phalaropes (2), pomarine skua (adult), shag, cormorant and kittiwakes.