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Sunday, 25 October 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Strong winds from the north means bitterly cold at sea. We made very good use of the overalls we offer all passengers on this tour. Like this morning we struggled to find any cetaceans on this tour. We sailed for a long time searching, occasionally we saw flocks of seabirds feeding. Gannets and seagulls were seen and they were clearly feeding on fish, but no whales or dolphins close by. It wasn't until the end of the tour that we spotted a pod of 2-3 white-beaked dolphins. They quickly swam passed us and we manage to see them 3-4 times before they were nowhere to be seen. We continued traveling back to harbour and a brief encounter of 2-3 harbour porpoises that surfaced once in front of the boat got to finish the tour. Because we didn't see any of the animals well we gave out complimentary tickets to all passengers so they can return for another whale watching tour. Hopefully in nicer weather.

- Marcus Bergström  

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out from Reykjavík in pretty rough conditions on this windy morning. We stayed rather close to the shore sailing south towards Hafnarfjörður and the Reykjanes Peninsula to get some shelter from the land. Therefore, the tour was a lot more comfortable than expected and no one needed our sick bags. It was great to see all of the mountains around us covered in snow for the first time this winter, as we enjoyed n only slightly clouded sky with the sun shining upon us. However, we didn't find any signs of cetaceans for the entire tour, even sea birds were only seen every now and then. So we offered all of our passengers complimentary tickets valid for the next two years. 

- Hanna Michel

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannets, northern fulmars, kittiwakes, great black-backed gulls, common gulls, black-headed gulls, Iceland gulls, glaucous gulls, sooty shearwater, eider ducks, cormorant, common guillemots and razorbills.