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Sunday, 1 November 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We were expecting strong winds on the tour but luckily for us the wind did not pick up until towards the end. For most all the tour we sailed on calm sea in perfect conditions for spotting cetaceans. After only about 30 minutes we spotted big splashes ahead of us and soon realized that there were dolphins jumping out of the water. This was a big group of white beaked dolphins, at least 7-8 individuals. When we got closer they calmed down and stopped jumping. We followed 2-3 dolphins for a while and we got a really good look at them when they swam around and under our boat. When they started to be more elusive we kept on going further out on the bay. We found 2-3 harbour porpoises twice on the tour but both times they were elusive and disappeared after a short time. The tour ended with a minke whale that was rather unpredictable and difficult follow but it surfaced few times close to our boat and most passangers got to see it. 

-Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir

Birds seen on this tour: northern fulmars, northern gannets, black legged kittiwakes, greater black black gull, lesser black backed gulls, island gulls, glaucous gulls, common guillemots and sooty shearwater.