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Monday, 9 November 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey and Elding: A beautiful day to wake up too and be out on the bay on. Skies were blue, sun was shining and a fresh covering of snow on the mountains. The beautiful day brought an influx of passengers to our doorsteps, so many that we had to go out on 2 boats to accommodate everyone. The larger of our 2 boats, Eldey went along the southern part of the bay and we, Elding, went towards the north. Another whale watching boat from the other company went inbetween to cover a larger part of the bay. Elding spotted two pods of white-beaked dolphins, there were only 2-3 in the first pod and they were very busy trying to catch their lunch so very difficult to follow. The second pod were much better, a pod of 5-6 individuals they were traveling slowly at first. Spotted as the sun shined of their wet backs, like a mirror in the sun. The other boat, Eldey, Saw a minke whale 3 times about 200m from the boat. They also came to see the dolphins but they were more difficult to follow. The birds where the minke whale was, mainly black-headed gulls and kittiwakes, seemed to be feeding on copepods or krill as they swooped down for food. All in all, a quite but beautiful day on the bay. 

-Megan Whittaker and Marcus Bergström

Birds seen on today´s tour: northern fulmar, sooty shearwater, common guillemot, razorbill, glaucous gulls, greater black-backed gulls, eider ducks, long tailed ducks, iceland gulls, black-headed gulls, red-throated diver, great northern diver and herring gull.