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Friday, 22 January 2016


We are sailing out from Reykjavik Harbour today.The forecast predicts wind from the east and we could experience swells.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: It was nice to be out on the water again today after having to cancel yesterday's tour due to the strong winds. However, even after the storm today's condition were great. Nice calm sea and even though it rained the visibilty was actually pretty good. We sailed west and headed towards one of our most successful areas, after about 40 minutes sailing we got a call from the other whale watching vessel to let us know about a pod of white-beaked dolphins they had found. It took us about 15 minutues to reach the area and found two pods of about 5-7 in each. Some traveled fast and looked to be chasing fish and others looked to be resting. It was one of the best encounters for dolphins we have had in a long time and is incredible to watch with plenty of opportunities to take pictures or film them. It was also lovely to see so many seabirds out in the bay, including one of our favourites the northern gannets, which were constantly flying past.

All in all it was a drizzily but a fun day out on the bay. 

- Megan Whittaker

Birds seen on todays tour include: northern gannets, northern fulmars, kittiwakes, eider ducks, shags, black-backed gulls, black headed gulls.