
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




We are sailing out from Reykjavik Harbour today.The forecast predicts a slow wind from the north but we could experience some swells.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: A beautiful winter day, at least in the harbour... Out on the bay the cold northern wind made this tour to one of the coldest so far this winter. The wind cooling was down to -10 degrees and with an air temperature around -3 to -5 we had at least -15 on the top deck, brrrr! Luckily the overalls onboard kept us warm but remember to bring hats and gloves. The cold air meant very good visibility of the surrounding landscape so we got excellent views of the mountains and the coastline. We searched towards the west in the bay and covered a great area. The closest to any sign of wildlife was when another whale watching boat contacted us and said they found dolphins. Unfortunately they lost them very soon, so no good sighting of the dolphins. We had to head back empty handed so we offered all passengers complimentary tickets valid on another whale watching tour with us.  

- Marcus Bergström

Bird species seen on todays tour include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, greater black-backed gull, glaucous gull, Iceland gull, black-headed gull, kittiwake, common gull, red-throated diver, European shag, long-tailed duck and eider duck.