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Monday, 29 February 2016


We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik. The forecast predicts a little wind from the west so there could be some swell and there will be a little movement on the boat.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey and Hafsúlan: the overcast skies and clouds that threatened rain did not deter the many passengers that joined us this afternoon. Over 200 tourists joined us and for more comfort we seperated them all on to two boats for more room. There was very little wind from the south west but there were very high but long swell from yesterday's storm. Thankfully it didn't long until we got a call from another whale watching boat that encountered a pod of white-beaked dolphins. Turned out to be two pods close together, 10 individuals in one and 5 in the other, they were travelling very slowely, looked to be resting, milling and even showed signs that they were mating with each other. We were able to enjoy these dolphins for a long time and plenty of opportunities to get some nice pictures. We left them after a while to look for other species. Hafsúlan was lucky as it encountered two harbour seals and Eldey got a very quick glimpse of harbour porpoises but they were fast and most passengers didn't see them. There was also lots of birds out on the bay, gannets, gulls, razorbills, fulmars. It was nice to see more wildlife in the bay. Hopefully the whales will show themselves soon too. It was a nice day on the bay and even nicer that the rain stayed off us for all the tour. 

- Sigurlaug and Megan

 Birds seen on today's tour included: european shags, northern fulmars, blur fulmar, northern gannets, kittiwakes, glaucous gulls, iceland gulls, eider ducks, common guillemots, razorbills, little auk.