
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




This afternoon (13:00) we will be sailing out from Hafnarfjörður harbour, a mere 20 min drive from Reykjavík. We can expect the tour to run for about 4 hours today with transfers (which are included in the tour price). Buses will depart at 13:00 from our ticket office - make sure to ask for seasick tablets before boarding if you are sensitive to motion sickness, as we are expecting some swells and increasing winds during the tour.

This morning (09:00) we will be sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik. The forecast predicts wind from the south-east so there could be some swell and there will be movement on the boat.


Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey and Hafsúlan: Due to high number of passengers we took out two boats on the afternoon tour. Todays conditions were quite windy but sailing out from Hafnarfjörður we were close to land and shielded from the worst of the gusts. Despite the winds spotting conditions were good as we sailed alongside the Reykjanes peninsula. We started our search close to Hafnarfjörður and moved west before turning north with the wind to search further out into the bay. We spotted quite a bit of birdlife including Gannets and Fulmars flying around the boat while we searched. Finally we moved up the coast and towards Reykjavik. Unfortunately we were unable to spot cetaceans this tour despite our best efforts, perhaps the food in the bay was elsewhere but we can never tell for sure. For their efforts we offered our passengers a complimentary ticket valid for another whale watching tour within two years. We hope to see them all again.

-Ívar Elí and Marcus

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: It was a windy morning when we left Reykjavík old harbour, it was good to be back in our "home harbour" after 5 days on tour. The sea conditions was good during the first half of the tour when we went with the swells. It wasn´t until our way back that it got worse with high swells. The wildlife was plentiful and to a start we saw many northern fulmars and eider ducks on the surface. It took some time but just before we were starting to turn around out in the bay the guide spotted a big blow infront of us. It was a humpback whale! Our long search was rewarded and we could observe this humpback for a while when it came up to breath at the surface. It produced massive blows in the bad weather and brought up a large portion of its body to prevent waves from washing over it. We got to see the fluke being raised twice when it went for deeper dives, amazing to see! A very good ending to the tour and we returned to Hafnarfjörður harbour where we decided to end the tour.

- Marcus Bergström

Bird species seen on todays tours include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, herring gull, Iceland gull, greater black-backed gull, kittiwake, long-tailed duck, razorbill and eider duck.