
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey and Hafsúlan: It took us only 20 minutes to find the first blows!  There were many humpback whales in the area close to Reykjavík, at least 10 individuals! Our boats split up to watch separate humpbacks. Eldey had two large humpbacks and Hafsúlan two smaller and more elusive individuals. Hafsúlan went further out because they spotted really big blows further out on the bay. It took at least 20 minutes to get to those animals. When we got closer we saw that these were two large humpbacks and two FIN WHALES!!! Eldey soon arrived and both boats traveled with the fin fin whales for a good time. It was incredible to followed these huge animals while they traveled towards Reykjavík. On our way back we got an amazing look at three humpback whales that surfaced close to us. It seemed like they were checking us out while they swam around the boats. It was hard to leave the bay today but we got a nice surprise in the end with a minke whale surfacing in front of us really close to Reykjavík. While we watched the minke we saw that the three humpbacks we had been watching before started to breach few times. What a great end for this unbelievable tour. The crew absolutely had an incredible day and we will not forget it for a long time!  

-Sigurlaug and Marcus

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: This day become one of these days that probably will go to the history books of this company! We set sail out in the bay this morning with some wind from the east and sunshine. We didn't get far before the first humpback whale was spotted and it seemed that the whales were much closer to Reykjavík today and we could see at least 10 individuals in the greater area. Blows were seen in all directions from time to time. After that we spent some time with 2 humpback whales we headed further out to search for something else. We got soon called back by another whale watching boat because they had ORCAS!!! around the humpback whales. It was a large pod of maybe 15+ orcas or killer whales! It was at least two large males in the pod and several young individuals. We got to see them really close to the boat and observe some feeding behavior like tail-slapping. Like that wasn't enough later on when we were searching for humpbacks again a large blow appeared infront of us and a massive body... a FIN WHALE!!! Out of nowhere this gentle giant surfaced infront of us and we could see it 3 times coming up before it disappeared for a deeper dive and were lost. Then we turned around to the orcas again because something was going on with the pod of orcas, a humpback whale and a minke whale! They all seemed to be feeding in the same area and we could see humpback whale surfacing together with the orcas. An straight through amazing tour!

- Marcus Bergström