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Monday, 4 april 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The magical weather continued in the afternoon with feelings of summer when we headed out from the harbor. When we got closer to the area where we have had good success the last week we could soon see big blows from the whales! The humpback whales in the area had gotten a bit more than this morning, we could see 5-6 individuals. One pair of humpbacks was very good to follow as they traveled slowly together going for deeper dives at the same time raising the fluke out of the water. After they both had gone for a dive a bit into the tour one of them decided to breach right next to us on the right side! The whole body of the whale came out of the water falling down on the surface with a big splash! Amazing to witness and a few lucky passengers got some very nice pictures of it. We also had the same two humpbacks coming really close to the boat on two occasions, only meters out from the boat! This was an excellent tour with mirror flat sea, sunshine and whales putting on a show. On our way back we could see a minke whale surfacing close to us 4 times before it went for a deeper dive and we continued back towards the harbour.

- Marcus Bergström 

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: This was absolutely the best weather you could ask for while out on sea. No wind, no swell and easy to spot life around you. We went to the same area out of Hafnarfjörður where we have gotten good sightings the past week. On our way we got a glimpse of 5-6 harbour porpoises, it was easy to spot these small and cute animals on the flat water surface. Shortly after spotting the porpoises we saw blows few kilometers ahead of  us. We soon realized that these were two humpbacks traveling together. They were really calm and traveled slowly in circles in this area so we could just turn off the engines and watch them around us. One of them kept pec slapping right next to the boat. When another whale watching boat entered this area we decided to check out blows we saw further out. This was another pair of humpbacks! They were also really calm so again we could just stop our boat in the area and watch them. Then they came towards us and swam around us only few meters away! it really looked like they were checking us out. It was difficult to leave the bay on such a beautiful day but we got a nice surprise in the end when 5-6 harbor porpoises popped up few meters away from our boat!

-Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir

Bird species seen on todays tours include: northern fulmar, Iceland gull, black guillemot, kittiwake, black-headed gull, lesser black-backed gull, greater black-backed gull and eider duck.