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Thursday, 21 April 2016

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: After such a nice tour this morning, we left the harbour in high spirit, eager to see more. It was not as sunny as on the previous tour, but still the temperature was nice, we had good visibility and the scenery was great. All the conditions for a good whale watching trip were set, yet we ended up disappointed. Nothing much was to be seen. At some point some passengers could have a quick glance at some harbour porpoises but they were gone as quick as they came. At some point we spotted a blow in the front of the boat, but after a careful check in the area, we could not find any whale. It was a smooth and pleasant sailing in the bay this afternoon, but as we could not show the passengers any cetaceans, we offered them complimentary tickets to try their luck another time on our boats. Just like nature this tour was beautiful but cruel for our patient passengers. May the next one be more successful !

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out on a beautifully warm and sunny day. Just minutes out of the harbour we spotted a pod of 6-10 white-beaked dolphin they gave us a beautiful show and and came really close to the boat and even leaped out of the water a few times. We then headed out further into the bay where a few pods of harbour porpoises were spotted, one individual even leaped out of the water for us! As we continued further out into the bay the swells got a bit bigger but it was still a fairly comfortable ride out. A minke whale was then spotted just 200 meters from the boat and it surfaced a few times before going on a deeper dive. Another minke whale surfaced a few hundred meters away and we had a closer look at that one as the one were we looking at was being a bit elusive. After waiting a few minutes for this animal to resurface, yet another minke whale surfaced and this individual we identified using photo-id techniques as Midi, one of the minkes we regular see during the summer months. We watched Midi surface a few times really close to the boat only 30 meters away and even caught a glimpse of it´s baleen plates. As time was running out we then started heading back to the harbour where we saw even more harbour porpoises. It was a lovely summer tour with great weather and good animals. 

- Tess Hudson

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern fulmars, atlantic puffins, kittiwakes, northern gannet, lesser & greater black-backed gulls.