
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out and it had clouded over a bit from this morning but the sun was still shining. After sailing for about 25 minutes a large pod of 9-12 white-beaked dolphins were spotted. It was a beautiful encounter the dolphins were really social and came really close to the boat so that everyone was able to get a really close look at these animals. We stayed with them for a while getting lovely views of them under the water. After a good amount of time we moved off further out into the bay. After a bit more sailing we saw a blow in the distance and we headed out to it and found a humpback whale. It was a bit elusive only surfacing a few times then going for a deeper dive showing it´s tail often above the surface as it did so. We were able to see it surface a few times before having to head back to the harbour. The sail back was lovely and smooth, with little wind and a beautiful clear and sunny sky.  

-Tess Hudson

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: We set out on a beautiful sunny day with only a little wind and some swell. Just minutes out of the harbour a pod of 6 White-Beaked Dolphin were spotted. We were able to stay with these animals for quite some time and even though they were traveling around a lot they came really close to the boat and even leaped out of the water for us. It was then decided after some time to move on further out into the bay to see if we could find a different species of cetacean. A small pod of 2-4 harbour porpoises surfaced only 50 meters from the boat. They were pretty shy and elusive so we were only allowed a very quick look at this shy creature. Further out into the bay a large blow was spotted in the distance and as we got closer we could see it was a humpback whale. We were able to watch it surface a few times and even got to see it raise its fluke. We then headed back in the beautiful sun and the wind had even dropped allowing us a lovely smooth sailed back to the harbour.  

-Tess Hudson

Bird species on todays tours: northern fulmar, lesser black-baked gulls, kittiwakes, eider ducks, greylag geese, northen gannets, common guillemot & atlantic puffins. 


We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today on a partly sunny day. The weather is calm but there is going to be some movement on the boat because of a western wave.