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Monday, 2 May 2016

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather has gotten bad since the last tour. The wind has increased and mostly all of the sky was covered by dark clouds. We had also some slightly rain now and then. The first two hours of the tour passed without any kind of sightseeings. Then a small pod of 2-3 harbour porpoises arise, but we barely could see them for a couple of minutes. The tour continued without any kind of spotting, so we had to return to the harbour. Because of that, we gave out complementary tickets to our passangers, so they will have the opportunity to return again for another whale watching tour, hopefully a little more lucky one. 

- Alberto

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The wind had picked up since the 9 o'clock tour and it had gotten colder as well, we had some rain throughout the tour but just the typical Icelandic refreshing kind. We had been sailing for some time when the other whale watching boats told us they had seen a humpback whale so we decided to go check it out. At that point the weather changed drastically (as is very usual for Iceland) and we got sunshine and very little wind. When we got closer we saw the blow from the whale and it surfaced a few times but it was quite elusive. We decided to be patient so we stayed there for a while and saw it a few more times, it was traveling pretty fast and diving often for long periods of time so we think it was probably feeding. We then spotted a minke whale which was also very elusive. Our patience paid of big time though when the humpback whale suddenly breached before doing a pec-slap and a tail-slap, all very close to the boat which was amazing. On our way back to the harbour we spotted a couple of harbour porpoises swimming alongside of the boat. A tour of Icelandic weather changes, a minke whale, harbour porpoises and a breaching humpback!

- Bryndís Ösp Birgisdóttir

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather in the harbour this morning was absolutely wonderful with sunshine and little clouds. Further out in the bay it was some wind and swells but it didn't do so much. We searched for a long time and the first sighting was an elusive pod of 4-5 white-beaked dolphins that more or less the guide onboard managed to see. We then got news from other whale watching boats that they were seeing two minke whales in an area further south. When we got there we had one minke whale surfacing 3 times alongside our boat giving us some short looks. At the same time another pod of 6-7 dolphins appeared quickly showing themselves. Before we had to leave the area and starting traveling back to harbour we saw the minke whale one more time. A little bit difficult tour in the swells and wind but with some patience we could see 2 species of cetaceans. 

- Marcus Bergström  

Bird species seen on todays tours include: northern fulmar, northern gannet, kittiwake, black-headed gull, lesser black-backed gull, greater black-backed gull, glaucous gull, Iceland gull, common guillemot, razorbill, black guillemot, puffin, arctic skua, redshank and eider duck.  



We are sailing out from the old harbour in Reykjavik on this sunny and wonderful day. It is an absolutely lovely day to go out on sea so make sure you are booked on the next whale watching tour to witness the majestic creatures of the sea with us.