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Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Status Tour at 5 pm: CANCELLED

Due to bad weather and rought sea conditions we have had to cancel the whale watching at 1pm. 

Please contact us at or at +3545195000 for further information and rebooking. 

Tour at 1 pm

Report from Eldey: The sea conditions were unfortunately not as good as in the morning with increasing wind speed, lots of white caps and some swell. This made it difficult to for spotting the splashes or a blow from whales and dolphins due to the whitecaps. Despite these conditions we were able to see about 6 harbour porpoise very close to the boat swimming at speed. We also had a brief sighting of 1 minke whale which we saw surface a couple of times. Due to the poor sightings on this trip we offered complimentary tickets to the passengers which are valid for two years. We look forward to them joining us on a future tour and hopefully they´ll have better sightings.

- Julia Benson

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: After the beautiful day we had yesterday, we got to experience some more typical Icelandic weather today with many waves, strong winds and an overcast sky. However, there was not much swell  yet, so the sailing was still quite comfortable. After about 50 minutes we came across a minke whale. It surfaced twice not too far away from us so we decided to slow down and wait for it to come back to the surface. After a few minutes it appeared again in the waves creating some splashes. At the same time, however, we saw a big splash in the same direction but a lot further away. Therefore, we left the minke whale and headed over to the big splashes - it turned out to be a humpback whale that was breaching 16 times on this tour! Absolutely incredible to see this acrobatic behaviour! After a few minutes it stopped breaching and started tail-lobbing, as well as tail-slapping and reverse tail-slapping (lying on the back while slapping its fluke on the water surface). It gave us a good show for a while before it calmed down a bit and went for some long dives. That's when we moved further out in the Bay to look for something else and found another minke whale. Unfortunately, this minke was also a bit shy and didn't show itself again. On our way back we got to see a small pod of harbour porpoises for a few seconds. Incredible tour in the strong winds today!

- Hanna Michel

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, lesser and great black-backed gull, kittiwake, common guillemot, Atlantic puffin, Arctic tern, Manx shearwater and eider duck.