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Thursday, 16 June 2016

Tour at 20:30

Report from Elding: We had a beautiful sail out into Faxaflói the wind had dropped and the sea was a lot flatter than previous tours. It was still a bit choppy with a few white caps, which made spotting difficult. Nevertheless, after only a short time spent searching our fist species, the minke whale surfaced. It came up about 2-3 times before going for a deeper dive. This animal was under for quite some time so it was decided to move off further into the bay in search of some other animals. We didn´t have to wait too long as a pod of 4-5 white-beaked dolphins were spotted only 250 meters in the distance. As we neared they surfaced beautifully slow, possibly milling or even resting, as they often surfaced and then went down for a slightly longer amount of time. These dolphins surfaced multiple times and came really close up being only 10 meters away at one point. These dolphins then went for a long dive so we moved on. Just as we started heading towards Akranes, jumping dolphins were spotted behind us! So the boat was turned round and headed straight towards them. Once closer we were able to watch these beautiful creatures surface many times, leap and occasionally breach out of the water, it was truly spectacular! As we turned to head for home we were greeted by yet more jumping and head slapping dolphins! It was then time to pass over to our wonderful troubadour Bjarni who entertained us on our wonderful sail back!

- Tess Hudson

Tour at 17:00

Report from Elding: The weather had not changed since the previous tours. Early into the tour we got a nice encounter with a pod of 4-5 white-beaked dolphins. They surfaced slowly around us and it was easy seeing them and taking some photos. The second species of the tour was a minke whale! Like the dolphins it surfaced very slowly around us and we all could see it very well. Couldn't ask for a nicer whale. We ended with another (or the same?) pod of 4-5 dolphins and we could stay a long time with these. Really relaxed animals coming up all around us and even swimming under the boat. We all loved the dolphins after this meeting. We headed back to harbour while some light rain fell on us. Over and out.

- Marcus Bergström     

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: As we sailed out from the harbour we noticed the wind had picked up a lot, forming medium swells with lots of white caps, conditions difficult to spot cetaceans. A few passengers saw a glimpse of 2-3 harbour porpoises, but none of the crew or the rest of the passengers saw them, as they surfaced just once. The weather conditions got even worse during the next 2,5 - 3 hours. It was very windy, cold and with light rain. However, the crew and very enthusiastic passengers didn't give up and continued scanning the seas surface in search for animals. We checked one big flock of birds, but it seemed like they are just resting after the feast, and there were no signs of whales. During the last hour of the tour, we saw one minke whale, about 100 meters from the boat, but it surfaced just once and we didn´t see it again. Unfortunatelly, we didn't have any other sightings, but the passengers stayed positive, especially after we surprised them with the complimentary tickets we offer. Which are valid for 2 years, and enable the passengers to come on another whale watching tour for free. Hopefully during better weather conditions and more sightings, to enjoy in the company of these beautiful animals.

- Tena Sarcevic

Tour at 13:00

Report from Elding:As we sailed out the sky was overcast and the wind had picked up quite a bit. After sailing about an hour we spotted a minke whale. The individual appeared to be resting, it surfaced quite infrequent and kept floating just below the surface. When we left the individual we spotted a pod of 3 white beaked dolphins. The dolphins were great, coming very close to the boat. Unfortunately it had started raining so it got quite cold but the passengers were tough and a large number stayed outside. On our way back, quite close to Reykjavik we spotted another minke whale. This animal surfaced a good number of times quite close to the boat so everybody got a good look at it.

- Anouk

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: It was an overcast but fairly warm day when we set sail into Faxaflói bay. Not long after sailing out a pod of 3 white-beaked dolphin were spotted. They came fantastically close and we were even able to see them swimming under the waters surface! They were most likely milling as they surfaced very slowing and were moving in no particular direction. They surfaced multiple times and even swam under the boat to pop up again on the other side! As a lot of other vessels were coming to check out the dolphins so we decided to leave and reduce our impact on these animals so we headed out further into the bay. And to our delight a minke whale surfaced only 200 meters away, this animal surfaced a few times coming up only 50 meters from the boat. It then arched its back and went for a deeper dive and swam under the boat to resurface on the other side. After watching this animal for sometime another minke whale was spotted in the distance, which we observed at a close distance as well. This animal was being somewhat elusive and kept on changing its direction. This may be due to it following food sources under the waters surface. It was then time to head further out into the bay and yet another minke whale was spotted 250 meters away. Once closer this animal surfaced beautifully for a few sequences and  then showed off its long shinny body as it went for a deep dive. As time was running out we headed back with the fresh Icelandic wind in our faces! 

- Tess Hudson

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: We had an overcast sky and some wind from the east on this morning tour. We headed straight out into the bay and starting searching for cetaceans. We had two quick encounters with a minke whale but it proved to be difficult so we decided not to spend so much time with this individual. Further out we got lucky and could see three more minke whales. One of them came so close to the boat on several occasions that we could see the whole body of the animal through the surface! We surely got a show from this minke. On our way back we topped this tour off with a nice pod of white-beaked dolphins! It was 4 dolphins and they swam underneath the boat, giving us perfect views. We also saw two pods of harbour porpoises, around 8-10 individuals. A nice morning out in the bay!

- Marcus Bergström

Bird species seen on todays tours include: black guillemot, common guillemot, atlantic puffin, razorbill, northern fulmar, arctic tern, arctic skua, herring gull, grayleg goose, kittiwake, glaucous gull, lesser black-backed gull, greater black-backed gull, northern gannet and eider duck



We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik on a great day. There is some mild winds from the south , and some small waves . Hope you are able to join us to see these amazing giants in their natural environment.