
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


FRIDAY, 24 JUNE 2016

Status Tour at 20:30 pm: CANCELLED

Due to bad weather and rough sea conditions we have cancelled our midnight whale watching tour. 

Please contact us at or at +3545195000 for further information and rebooking. 

Tour at 17:00

Report from Elding: The wind blew a little bit smoother, although we had to face a new challenge in this tour: the rain. We sailed out hoping to have a little bit more of luck this time. But the beginning of this tour was just as the past ones. We couldn't spot any wildlife. The minutes kept passing by and the rain hardened. But, again, that doesn't discouraged the will of our passengers. We approached a few flocks of bird, hoping to see some big animals feeding in the same area, but so far we had no luck. We were approaching to the last hour of our tour when, while being really close to one of those flocks of birds, a minke whale surfaced from nowhere, only about 20 m away from us! We managed to have a good sight of the animal, although it disappeared really fast. Just as it came. We tried to follow it and we reached to see it again a couple of times more, but always in small glimpses. Unfortunately we ran out of time and we had to return to the old harbour. We offered some complimentary tickets to the passengers, as we weren't able to show to them this time better sights of the most common species of cetaceans that swims under the waters of the Faxa bay. 

- Alberto Alejandro

Tour at 14:00

Report from Eldey: Big team for the afternoon whale watching tour on the boat ready for the adventure at the sea. The sky was full of clouds but the light through them made the landscape as beautiful as always. We sailed out for a while with the wind pushing us when we came across a couple of harbour porpoises. They were very elusive, just surfaced for a couple of times. We were going more and more into Faxafloi when some of us saw a blow on the surface. The warm breath from the animal stayed for a while in the cold air. Then it came to us so we could smell it, it was definitely a minke whale, or stinky minke as we called them sometimes because of the smell of rotten fish coming from their breath. The animal just came for several times before to go for a deeper dive and disappear, so we decided to keep going to look for something else. After some minutes some passengers spotted another minke whale which came closer checking us out. We could manage to see this animal several times before it went for a deeper dive. Moreover, we could see a lot of different sea bird species which were feeding in the area in different group of flocks.

- Alejandro García

Tour at 13:00

Report from Elding: The weather and sea conditions deteriorated considerably since the previous tour. Lots of whitecaps and a strong wing increased the difficult to spot some wildlife this time. But this didn't discouraged the willing and determination of our dear passengers, that stood outside, on the upper deck throughout all the duration of the tour. With their help, we tried to spot some whales or dolphins, but unfortunately we didn't manage to see any individuals in this tour. It almost seem like the animals were hiding from the bad weather. We offered to our passengers some complimentary tickets, so they will be able to try to enjoy our magnificent cetaceans another time in the next two years.

- Alberto Alejandro

Tour at 10:00

Report from Eldey: The sky was overcast and there was quite a bit of wind when we sailed out. We managed to see a lot of different birds during the tour. I was especially nice to see the large groups of puffins out at sea. Unfortunately we did not see any cetaceans during the tour. Therefore we offered complimentary tickets at the end of the tour.


Tour at 9:00

Report from Elding: The sail out was slightly windy and a bit rocky however; this did not dampen our searching spirit. After a short cruse out into the bay, a single white-beaked dolphin was spotted, these animals usually travel in pods so it was rather strange to see one alone. It only surfaced twice, then went for a deeper dive. As this animal was being a bit elusive, we headed out further into the bay. Not long after a larger pod of 4 white-beaked dolphins were spotted jumping and leaping out of the water. They surfaced numerous times and came right up to the boat and even started bow riding even though we had slowed down completely! They put on a beautiful display coming only a meter or so from the boat. It was incredible! There was even a juvenile coming up and even jumping in synchrony with another dolphin, possibly its mother. They were so wonderfully close we could see them swimming  under the water’s surface and the nicks and notches in their dorsal fins. It was then time to head for home in the freshest air you will ever breathe.

- Tess Hudson