
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: 3 tours in a row we got a warm sunshine and calm sea to sail on, in a country where weather can be capricious, it's like winning the lottery ! And we kept on being lucky with the cetaceans as well. We had to sail quite far away as the furthest point we reached was about at 11 nautical miles away from Reykjavik. Our first cetaceans encountered was a pod of harbour porpoises, but we did not stop for them as they quickly disappeared after being spotted. Then we found 2 minke whales together ! We followed the one that was surfacing the most frequently. We stayed with this individual for about 15 minutes and had the chance to sight it less than 30m away from the boat ! Shortly after leaving the minke, we successively sighted 2 different pods of white-beaked dolphins, for an overall count of about 15 dolphins. Those animals were quite sneaky, taking long dives by intermittence and surfacing far away from us. But we held on, and had our good looks ! We even could notice some calves among these pods ! On due time we traveled back to Reykjavik, and in addition of a relaxing sunset we could also enjoy a little bit more of shy porpoises.

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Another beautiful tour on the bay of Faxafloi. We were lucky this afternoon we got to see 3 different minke whales and 2 pods of harbour porpoises, with about 2-3 individuals in each. The minkes were a little hard to track and most the time they kept over 100m from us except one time an individual surfaced just 10 meters from our boat. You have to be fast to stop these animals. Minke whale can be tricky to follow but they are one of our favourite whales because we at Elding like a challenge. The whole tour was amazing with incredible weather and  whales. The perfect tour to be on the water.

Megan Whittaker

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Quiet sea, dolphins galore and sun for our morning trip on Eldey ! The trip started nicely with wind in our back, and about 25 minutes after departure we heard about our first cetacean of this tour: a minke whale ! This one remained fairly elusive but it surfaced 20 m in front of us 3 times, so we could have close looks ! We then moved further and found the first of many pod of white-beaked dolphins that we would see today. It was quite an active pod, surfacing fast, changing direction, coming under the boat and sometime leaping out the water. When those dolphins became more elusive we moved to another pod, as they were at least 2 more pods in our surroundings, as well we saw another minke whale surfacing in the area. The second pod was a little bit calmer, they were avoiding us at first then started to surface slowly, allowing us to take good pictures of their black and white body, and we could notice some calves among them. The best part of it was it was a large pod, probably over 20 individuals ! After this pleasant sighting, we searched more in the bay, and found another elusive minke whale, and a last pod of white-beaked dolphins we could stop for. Overall we saw over 40 dolphins on this tour, and the excellent weather made it very easy to witness them !

- Guillaume Calcagni


Birds seen on today's tour include: northern gannet, lesser black-backed gull, northern fulmar, kittiwake & common guillemot


We are sailing out today from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik. It´s a cold but sunny morning. With mild wind coming from the south and almost no clouds