
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: We were once again greeted by wind and rain on this tour, but luckily it died down all along the trip, so in the end we had quite a comfortable ride. It was not a busy tour, as they were less than 20 passengers on this tour, but the crowd made up for the number by their quality ! We had excellent spotters on board. Before reaching the lighthouse after leaving the harbour, we saw our first minke whale. It was at first surfacing slowly, se we could spot it easily, and then it began to move. It surfaced close to our boat on several occasions, first staying in the same area and then moving away from us. As this whale was getting more elusive and crowded with 3 whale watching boats we headed further away, and we were alerted by eagle-eyed passengers that there were 2 more minkes in the area ! They surfaced together once, and then we followed the closest individual and were treated with looks from less than 20 m from the whale ! The second one was never seen again, but we were hypnotized by this individual circling the boat... When this whale went away from us, we decided to push our luck further away and had additional views on a fourth minke whale ! After this one, we quietly sailed back to Reykjavik and had an easy ride. Hurray for the minkes, they were quite collaborative on this trip !

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: While the weather forecast predicted that the wind would calm down and sea conditions would be better, we found out that it only got worse on our tour, for our most bitter disappointment. But our crew is experienced, and the passengers seemed to be eager to show what they are made off, so we set sail with optimism nonetheless. This made the whole experience even more cruel, as we spend most of the trip under a rain that was light but enforced by the strong wind blowing against us, to mostly see nothing. Shortly after departure, we could sight a minke whale that showed itself 3 times in front of us before disappearing in the depths. After that, we searched around the boat for 3 intense and patient hours and sadly we were not rewarded for our commitment. Complimentary tickets were sorrowly given to our passengers. We hope that everyone could at least learn a little bit more about cetaceans, and we wish to quickly see our passengers using their shiny new tickets and come back on board with us. Hats off to everyone on this tour, you all did great despite the rain and the wind !

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: This tour started with very good sea conditions. The weather was not the best. It was a bit cold and rainy. Nonetheless, everyone was very excited about this one. Good vibes all around. It´s all in the mind they say. Anyways, after 40 minutes of sailing we came across the first minke whale. It was not alone! there was another one alongside! not very rare to see these in the bay, but a bit more in odd in the big picture. We also came across one pod with 2 individuals of white-beaked dolphins. The fishfinder gave us some information about the depth and the amount of fish under the boat. There was indeed a lot of fish at the bottom. The dolphins were also not surfacing very often. Therefore, we think they were feeding close to the sea bed. We also other 2 minke whales in the same area. On the way back, we came across another small pod of white-beaked dolphins with at least 3 individuals. They were very playful! they were even bow riding! A lot of rain in the end but not enough to bring people down after an amazing tour!Brilliant audience, lovely animals!

- Jorge Pascual

Bird species seen on today's tour: lesser black-backed gull, northern gannet, common guillemot & northern fulmar. 



We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. The wind is coming from the South at about 6-8m/s so there will be some movement on the boat