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Status Tour 5 pm: CANCELLED

Due to unfavorable conditions we desided to cancel our 5 pm Whale Watching tour today. If you have any questions please don´t hesitate to contact Elding ticket office at or +354 519 5000


We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik on this rainy day. There is not much wind but there could be some movement on the boat out on Faxa Bay.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The sea conditions had been pretty rough throughout the day but the sea was calming down a bit. It was raining and quite cold but we just made good use of the overalls on board. We were hopeful heading out into the bay since we had seen some very nice white-beaked dolphins this morning and sure enough, after sailing for a while we spotted three of them but unfortunately they didn't seem to want to be seen so they only surfaced a couple of times before disappearing. We waited for some time for them to resurface but no such luck so we continued our journey. Not long after that a minke whale popped up about 40 m away but like the dolphins it only came up once and then it was gone. The search continued until it was time to head back to the harbour but unfortunately we were unsuccessful in our search for more cetaceans. This is unpredictable wildlife so there are no guarantees but of course we are always disappointed when we don't see something or just catch a glimpse of animals that just disappear. Since the animals only surfaced once or twice very few passengers were able to spot them and therefore we offered all of our passengers complimentary tickets which are valid for two years so they can come on another whale watching tour with us. Hopefully we will have better luck next time!

- Bryndís Ösp

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: The sea conditions and weather were a bit rough today according to the forecast. This time, they were absolutely right. Being that said, I expected it to be rockier onboard but it turned out to be not that bad. It took us some time to find our beloved cetaceans. About an hour to be more precise. Andrea, one of the whale watching boats in the bay told us they had seen a few scattered white-beaked dolphins  we finally managed to find ourselves. Not without being persistent and patient. All the hard work brings some reward in the end. They were 3 in total. We also did not struggle much due to the good views from the top deck. A huge rainbow right in front of us. What a day!pouring rain yes, but beautiful anyway. We managed to find other two pods with about 3 and about 6 individuals each. They got really close to the boat!they were also breaching a bit further out too. We got a good view of that but still pretty far. We managed to find a minke whale but it was very elusive this time. On the way back we got our last surprise!another pod of dolphins with 3 individuals coming really really close to the boat. They were very playful also. Great ending to a very wet windy and full of rainbows tour. I would have liked to get a better view of the minke but this is wildlife, you never know!

- Jorge Pascual

Bird species seen on today's tours: northern gannet, northern fulmar, black guillemot.