
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




We are sailing out from the Old Harbour on another beautiful and sunny day. There is little to no wind at the Harbour but there could be some movement on the boat out on Faxa Bay.

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: Amazing weather conditions remained on this tour too. We had calm sea and great visibility. However, although the conditions were great for spotting cetaceans, it took us a while to find them. First 2 individuals of minke whales were quite elusive: both surfacing just twice in a row and very soon we lost the sight of them. Our third encounter was our "third luck". We realized there are few individuals around us. At first it seemed like they are again playing "hide and seek" with us, diving for long time, so, oh boy, what a surprise it was to see two of them surfacing just about 100 meters from our boat! They were surfacing three times in a row and very synchronized. One was a bit smaller so they might be a mother with juvenile. This incredibly beautiful sight of a pair of minkes surfacing slowly and so synchronized with gorgeous sunset in the background and nicely flat sea turned this tour into a very beautiful one! On our way back, our small group was enjoying talking in relaxed atmosphere in our on board cafeteria and while approaching the harbour we even noticed the beginning of the northern lights! Really nice tour!

-Tena Sarcevic

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Lovely weather on this one. As usual we were headed to the unknown. Always trying to surprise ourselves with new and exciting encounters. It also brings a sort of tension to the trip and keeps ourselves focused and sharp. It took about 45 minutes to encounter the one cetacean we would find on the tour. Sometimes more is not better and this case was that case. Very calm and friendly minke whale which was feeding close to the seabed and paying us some visits every now and then leaving the audience in awe. I have been missing this behaviour a lot lately. We also tried to find other species of cetaceans but it was not possible this time. Nonetheless, this minke was more than I expected. Lovely tour!​​

 - Jorge Pascual


Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: The sun was shining over a very calm sea this morning as we sailed out of the harbour. With these very good sightings conditions it didn't take us very long before we started spotting big splashes at the surface of the sea few kilometers ahead of us. Once closer we discovered the origin of these splashes, a large pod of more than fifteen white-beaked dolphins! The animals were very active and entertaining, leaping out of the water and coming very close to the boat in numbers. It was very hard to leave these friendly cetaceans alone but after a while we decided to try our luck a bit further. Sailing around we encountered a smaller pod of three white-beaked dolphins. They mainly minded their own business as we sailed next to them but did get very close on one occasion, just as we ran out of time ad decided to head back to Reykjavik. But heading back doesn't mean the tour is over and quite close to the end of our tour a minke whale surfaced close to our boat and even though it stayed for a short time at the surface almost all our passengers got a good look at it.

- Rémi Bigonneau


Bird species seen on today's tour include: northern gannet, black-legged kittiwake, black-headed gull, lesser black-backed gull, great black-backed gull, great cormorant, common eider, northern fulmar and common guillemot.