
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




We are sailing out from the Reykjavik Harbour today. The sun is shining and little to no wind. Hope you are able to join us in the search of these magnificent animals in their natural environment.

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: We headed to the area in which we spotted few minkes in the previous tour. We spotted a minke whale, and although we couldn't watch it for longer time, as animal disappeared from our sight, it surfaced few times very close to our boat so the passengers could have a good look at it. We also encountered a very nice pod of around 10 white-beaked dolphins. They were very relaxed, milling and slowly traveling. We also enjoyed in watching impressive northern gannets fishing, beautiful sunset and landscape around us. In all, a very nice tour.

-Tena Sarcevic

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out in beautiful weather and perfect spotting conditions! Therefore we had a good feeling when we left the harbour because we were sure that if anything surfaced we would be able to spot it and, sure enough, we didn't have to sail for a long time before we spotted our first minke whale. It was very curious and even came really close to us to check us out which is a behaviour that we don't often see from minke whales. When we had been watching it for a while we decided to see if there were any other cetaceans to be seen in the bay. We sailed for a while before we saw some splashes which turned out to be a pod of four white-beaked dolphins but after a few minutes we realized that the area was teeming with wildlife! Minke whales and white-beaked dolphins just kept popping up so we stopped and after a while we were surrounded! There were 11 minke whales and three pods of white-beaked dolphins (with about 3-5 individuals each) coming up all around us but they were all feeding in the same area. We stayed until it was time to head back to the harbour but on our way back we saw three more minke whales. A great tour with three pods of white-beaked dolphins and fifteen minke whales!

- Bryndís Ösp

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Lovely sunny morning in Faxa Bay! The Sun was heating the frozen seats cover on ice from the last night. The sailing out was a bit cold, but again the overalls made a good job keeping us warm. We sailed for a while when we spotted a group of white beaked dolphins! They were keeping the distance at the beginning, however they got curious and came closer checking us out!c We could see some individuals under the water surface due to the clear water and the good conditions at sea, flat like a mirror! During the way back we were enjoying the Sun when a couple of minke whales showed up in front of the boat. We could see them for several times before they went for a deeper dive, but it was a closer look because they surface very near by the boat.

- Alejandro García