
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: It was still raining when we left the harbour but luckily the overalls onboard are waterproof so with them on we were ready for anything. We had only been sailing for a few minutes when we spotted our first cetacean of the tour: a single harbour porpoise. It surfaced five times so most of us were able to catch a glimpse of it before it disappeared. We didn't see it resurface so we just kept moving but we had heard about a minke whale in the area so we headed there. We looked for it for some time before finding a pod of 8 white-beaked dolphins. The pod was moving very fast and changing directions a lot so it was quite hard to keep up with them at first but after a while they started milling slowly and even leaping out of the water! We stayed with them until it was time to head back to harbour. The wind picked up a bit on our way back but then we could just move inside and have some hot chocolate to keep us warm.

- Bryndís Ösp

Tour at 9

Report from Eldey: Today we got to experience some true Icelandic weather, it was overcast with a slight drizzle but nothing a raincoat or one of our fancy overalls couldn't fix. After only 20 minutes of sailing large fins and small backs were spotted popping out of the waters surface, these could easily be identified as the white-beaked dolphins even from quite some distance. Once closer were were able to watch this rather large pod of 12 individuals traveling and occasionally leaping out of the water showing us their lovely flukes or tails. These animals stuck around for quite some time and we were even able to identify one of these dolphins as Sophie, an individual we have seen for quite some years. After watching these amazing animals for quite we decided to move out into the bay to search for something else. We spent a long time searching but unfortunately we were unsuccessful as the wind was picking up and the rain began to fall a little heavier. Nevertheless, it was a pleasant sail back and many of the passengers rode it out on the top deck enjoying the long rolling waves.

- Tess Hudson

Bird species seen on todays tours: common guillemot, northern fulmar, kittiwake, icelandic gull, northern gannet & black-backed gull.



Status Tour at 9: RUNNING

We are sailing from the Old Harbour today. There is a light wind coming from the south east (4-6 m/s) which brings us 7-8°C. There might be some rain during the tour today.

Status Tour at 13 (1pm): RUNNING

We are sailing from the Old Harbour today. There is going to be little wind (NE 2-4 m/s) and 7-9°C. It might be raining during the tour today.