
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour Status: RUNNING

We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today for our whale watching tours. The sea is relatively calm today, the wind is coming from the West with 4-6 m/s.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: New day, new challenge, our first tour of the day began by sailing against westerly winds and the long swells that go with it. The sea was quite adventurous, but that was only to trigger the viking inside of us and people on board could show that they were not impressed ! Plus, despite the cloud cover we had excellent visibility and it was not cold outside, so once we were not facing the waves head on the trip got enjoyable. We quickly had first glimpses of a minke whale. This individual was tiny, it took a second look to make sure that we were not watching a salmon ! This adorable minke whale did not let us see much more of it unfortunately, after surfacing twice it went for a deep dive and we never saw it again. For the next hour we carefully went through a wide area to spot other species, until a pod of 4-6 white-beaked dolphin came to us. They were energetic and went under the boat again and again, it was quite draining to follow them, they were quick and surfaced only shortly. As there were also sea birds in the area, we hypothesized that we stumbled upon a feeding area. And apparently we were right, the dolphins shortly left us, probably they satisfied their curiosity and resumed chasing after food. It was anyway time to head home with the wind on our back, for an easy travel !

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The energy on the boat was great on today´s tours. Nonetheless, it was a bit swelly on our way out of the harbour. That made people a bit seasick but our crew took very good care of those who happened to get sick. Truth to be told, it was only the first hour of the tour because we had to sail against the waves direction. The rest of the tour was way better. Also, because of the excellent maneuvering our captain Jón did today. The landscape was full or rainbows and interchangeable weather. Rain, sunshine, fog... Amazing. After 30 minutes of sailing we found a minke whale! It was a very elusive one and I am not sure everyone on board got to even catch a glimpse of it. Since it was the only sighting and a very poor one we decided to give complementary tickets to our passengers so they can come on a tour with us again within the next two years!. You should not miss it! 

- Jorge Pascual

Bird species on today's tour include: northern gannet, razorbill, manx shearwater, glaucous gull, icelandic gull & lesser black-backed gull.