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Monday, 24 October 2016

Tour Status: RUNNING

We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today for our whale watching tours. The sea is relatively calm today, the wind is coming from south with 8-10 m/s. 

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The weather had calmed down quite a lot, in comparison with the previous tour this morning. The rain clouds were now inland, and even a beautiful sun was shyly shinning in between the clouds. Unfortunately it took more than usual to spot some cetaceans in the bay. After almost 70 min we had our first and last encounter with a pod of 4-7 white beaked dolphins. They gave us quite a good time though, with some pretty good sightseeings. They even managed to make us a little perplex when right in the middle of the pod we saw a strange fast and circular movement. It almost look like one dolphin was chasing another, but it also could have been one chasing some fish. Either way, time was up and we headed back to the Old Harbour after this great encounter with the dolphins. 

- Alberto Alejandro

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: The weather gods were not in our favour on this tour with some cold winds and a lot of rain that accompanied us during many parts of the tour; However, despite many white-caps around us the sailing was still rather smooth and the rocking of the boat rather gentle. After only about 45 min we encountered a minke whales that came up just 150 m away from us and headed closer towards our boat. It went for a short dive and then surfaced several times just ca. 50 m away from our side. At the same time we noticed a second minke whale slightly further away heading towards our first minke. So we watched both of them coming closer to one another within 100 m of us - so amazing! However, we didn't manage to spend much more time with them after they both went for longer dives. After this unexpected double encounter we moved on to look for something more. It took us a while to find other cetaceans, we were basically on our way back when our Captain spotted a few white-beaked dolphins. It looked like only 2 individuals that we spent a while with and saw crossing our path. It was pretty cold on this tour, and the rain very annoying but it was totally worth to spend the time outside! 

- Hanna Michel

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, manx shearwater, glaucous gull, Iceland gull, lesser black-backed gull, razorbill, great cormorant and eider duck.