
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. It is a beautiful and calm day but there could be some swells out on Faxabay.

Tour at 13:00
Report from Eldey: A little of bit of rain at the beginning of the tour, and a little bit at the end. In the middle just the same mirror sea that we had in the previous tour. And a medium swell moving up and down our vessel as the only problem we truly had to face. Because the spotting condition were just amazing - an the wildlife as well. We barely sailed for 20 minutes when we had our first encounter with a small pod of 2-3 harbour porpoises. The porpoises were about to be, actually, a continuum during all the tour, with solitary individuals and small other pods popping out of the water now and then during all the tour. After 50 minutes we saw a minke whale in our back, and we stood with the animal for a while since he was giving us such a great time, surfacing no more far away than 30 m from the boat. In the last hour of the tour we enjoyed the presence of a pod of 4-6 white beaked dolphins that were milling around quite close to the area in which the minke was spotted. Definitely, a great day out in the bay!

- Alberto Alejandro

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: It was a beautiful morning as we began sailing into Faxafloi bay, there was little to no wind and the sea mirror flat with only a few rolling waves.The sun began to rise spreading a beautiful yellow pink light across the sky as we began searching for cetaceans. A small pod of harbour porpoises were spotted which surfaced a few times before disappearing under the waves. After sailing for a bit longer more porpoises were spotted which came up very nicely only 70 meters away. It took us a bit longer to find something bigger but nevertheless we continued our search and a minke whale surfaced only 200 meters away. This was quite a small individual being only 5-6 meters long. This animal surfaced many times only 100 meters away. It was lovely to see this species still in the bay as they have usually begun migrating down to the breeding grounds in the south, around Cape Verde and the Canary Islands. After watching this animal for some time, it was decided to begin our sail back, half way home another minke whale was spotted, which we observed for a few surfaces before it went for a longer dive. Two or three more porpoises were also seen on the journey back. It was lovely and calm with perfect lighting to take photos of the landscape. 

- Tess Hudson

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, Iceland gull, black-backed gull, eider duck, european shag, common guillemot.