
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The wind was very much the same as this morning but the short swells had dropped a little, and gave out to the longer swell. The spotting conditions were rather difficult today due to long and short swells, producing numerous white caps which can easily be mistaken for cetaceans. After quite some time searching, our first species was spotted. 3-4 White-beaked dolphins surfaced just 100 meters ahead of us, we were only allowed a glimpse of these animals before they disappeared under the waves. However, after a bit more searching more white-beaked dolphins were spotted these individuals were a lot more playful. They came up to the boat many times and even swam right underneath us, giving us a bit of a workout as we sprinted from one side of the boat to the other to see them. Regardless of which side you were on the dolphins came up wonderfully close and you could easily see their beautifully patterned bodies underneath the waters surface! What a magical end to the tour!

- Tess Hudson

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey:It was slightly windy and wavy as we set sail out into Faxafloi bay this morning. It took us a long time to search for the animals but luckily to keep us entertained we had the most fantastic light display. The sun was able to break through the thick layer of cloud, drenching the landscape and sea below in the most beautiful golden light giving the photographers on board a wonderful opportunity to capture the snow capped mountains and the most exceptional view. After some considerable more time searching unfortunately we could not find any cetaceans and so complimentary tickets were offered so that our lovely passengers can come again on one of our tours for free. 

- Tess Hudson

Bird species seen on todays tours: sooty shearwater, glaucous gull, common guillemot, eider duck, kittiwake, northern fulmar and black-backed gull.


We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. It is raining from time to time but little to no wind. There could be some movement on the boat due to swells out in Faxa Bay.