
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!



Status tour 9am: RUNNING

Tour at 9am will be running from the old harbor. The weather is pretty still so we are expecting good sea conditions. To reserve a ticket and for more information contact us by email at or by phone +354 519 5000.

Status tour 1am: RUNNING

We are sailing out from Old harbor for the 1am tour.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Again we went out from the old harbour hoping to be more successful than in the morning. Sailing out in to the bay for a long time, we saw a lot of small flocks of feeding birds and  headed over to some of them to check for any signs of cetaceans close by. On our way to a bird flock, we suddenly saw the big blow of a humpback whale and the fluke raising above the water surface from a second individual. Fantastic! We got really excited to finally see the big guys back in our bay, however, they stayed underwater for a veeery long time. After waiting for more than 15 min, we decided to make a circle in that area and eventually moved on to find something else. Extremely frustrating to find two whales that just did not come up to the surface again. Luckily, just a few minutes after leaving the area, our other guide Megan spotted a group of white-beaked dolphins in some distance. We got out hopes up again, and after a a short while of searching we then had a group of 6-7 individuals surfacing all around us. They were quite curious and often came close to us and swam parallel with their young calves and juveniles close to their moms. At some point they headed over to one of the flocks of feeding birds and started feeding on the same fish as the birds! Incredible to see this teamwork! In the end, the dolphins seemed to want some more attention from us as they played around the bow and swam directly towards us. A wonderful good-bye from the white-beaked dolphins! On our way back to the harbour, passengers spotted two blows again, most likely from the humpback whales. We made a detour hoping to finally get to see them, but again they stayed underwater for a too long time. Still the dolphins made us very happy and everyone was smiling when we returned to the harbour an hour late. You can´t predict wildlife! 

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: It was incredibly beautiful this morning out on the bay. The sunset was breath-taking as it rose over the snow-capped mountains of the Reykjanes peninsula. The best weather today also that we have seen I think all month. So nice to have the swell reduce, very little wind but still extremely cold. We were pleasantly surprised to see all the birdlife out in the bay this morning too, most birdlife that we have seen all month too. So many birds that we were surprised to not find any cetaceans (whales, dolphins) other than 2 harbour porpoises feeding with a flock of seabirds but they were soon gone. We offered our passengers complimentary tickets for another free tour. 

- Megan Whittaker

Birds seen on today's tours include: Lesser black-backed gulls, black-headed gulls, kittiwakes, glaucous gulls, iceland gulls, razorbills, cormorants, eider ducks.